Tuesday, 6 December 2016

We made up these Acronyms to Remember the Compass Points

N - never
E - eat
S - spicy
W - wraps

By Isabelle and Mia

N - never
E - ever
S - sing
W - weird

By Donnacha and Allison

N - never
E - ever
S - splash
W - water

By Neerav and Liam

N - never
E - ever
S - smash
W - whales

By Elise, Faith and Lucy

N - never
E - ever
S - smash
W - windows

By Joe, Jamie, Ashton and Thomas

N - never
E - eat
S - salty
W - water

By Tanya and Chanel

N - never
E - eat
S - salty
W - Weedle

By Benjamin, Rosie and Aricia

N - never
E - eat
S - soggy
W - wetas

By Vera and Nicholas

N - never
E - eat
S - smashed
W - windows

By Regan and Lydia

N - never
E - eat
S - solid
W - water

Thomas and Ashton

N - naughty
E - elephants
S - smashing
W - watermelons

By Jamie and Joe

We are learning Compass Directions

Friday, 2 December 2016

Construction Time

We are making rainmakers, Thomas is very skilled with a saw.  Some of us are nursing saw thumbs from hammering them!